Tuesday 21 October 2008

Shooting An Elephant

An Enemy Within..

The British invaders pose a colossal threat to the integrity and freedom of Burmese. The brown-skinned natives consider the white infiltrators as enemy. The British deem the Burmese as enemy as they are not in cohesion with their beliefs and interest. Orwell also considers the elephant to be an enemy since being wild he may attack the masses, regardless of the colour of their skin.

Thursday 18 September 2008

About me..

Well i shall start of with my name..I'm Sannia Iqbal,basically from singapore but settled in pakistan these days..had been wondering around for sometime but couldnt make up my mind over which field i shall pursue after my A'Levels, And here I m finally in Media Sciences n i love it! =).. A simple outgoing girl with a friendly attitude..If you are nice with me, I'm good to be with And if u aint, too bad, i can be worse :p